poniedziałek, 8 lipca 2024

"The Eyes and Ears of the Army"

 The first units to fight!

Some time ago I managed to finish new models for the game "Gods of War: Robert E. Lee" in 6 mm scale.

These are two cavalry brigades for my Confederate army, one of which is the elite 7th Virginia (Turner Ashby) and the other is the regular Confederate Cavalry.

7th Virginia (Turner Ashby)


 Confederate Cavalry


 Pierwsze jednostki do walki!

Jakiś czas temu udało mi się skończyć kolejne modele do gry "Bogowie Wojny Robert E. Lee" w skali 6 mm.

Są to dwie brygady kawalerii do mojej armii konfederatów, z czego jedna z nich to elitarna 7th Virginia (Turner Ashby), natomiast druga, to regularna kawaleria konfederacka.

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